We won't pay their crisis!

NoGelmini / European Anomalous Wave

L'onda anomala si fa europea: sulla scia delle lotte italiane contro la i tagli all'università pubblica, gli studenti italiani all'estero creano una rete internazionale e organizzano manifestazioni nelle maggiori città europee in occasione dello sciopero generale del 14 novembre. Una lista forse incompleta delle mobilitazioni di domani nelle metropoli europee, con appuntamenti e contatti

13 novembre 2008

> Leggi: "Messaggio dell'European Anomalous Wave all'Onda Anomala"

fonte: 133.anche.no

Gathering in front of the residence of the Italian ambassador
Fredericiagade 2, next to Amalienborg, KBH K
Nov 14th , h. 12.00 - 14.30
tlf. Tado: 0045 26682617
mail to: nogelminicph@gmail.com
mailing list: nogelminicph@googlegroups.com

> Report + foto
Gathering in front of the Italian Consulate
Boulevard Emile Augier, 5
75010 Parigi
Nov 14th ,h. 10.00 - 15.00
tlf Salvo: 0033 670937032
mailing list: ondanomalaparigi@googlegroups.com

Gathering in front of the Italian Consulate
Rue du Commandant Faurax, 5
69425 Lyon Cedex 06
Nov 14th , h. 12.00
mail to: davidelupi@virgilio.it

Gathering in front of the residence of the Italian ambassador
14, Three Kings Yard
London W1K 4EH
from there, demo till LSE and free lecture about Universities in Europe
Nov 14th, h. 10.00
tlf: 0044 07531933006
mail to: ukanomalouswave@hotmail.co.uk
> Report del blitz al consolato del 9 novembre

Gathering at the Institute for Italian Culture
Plaza de la Villa
Nov 14th, h. 12.00
mail to: simo8711@hotmail.it

> Report + foto
Gathering in front of the Italian Embassy
28, Rue Emile Claus, 1050 Ixelles
(tram stop: Legrand)
Nov 14th, h. 15.00
tlf: Antonio 0032 488263069 / Gaia 0032 488578419
mail to: antuida@gmail.com / gaiacalligaris@libero.it

Gathering in front of the Italian Embassy
Largo Conde Pombeiro, 6
1150 - 100 Lisbon
tlf: Virginia 0035 1962215043

Gathering in front of the Italian Consulate
Vijzelstraat, 79
Nov 14th, h. 10.00
mail to: amsterdam.anomalouswave@autistici.org

Gathering in front of the Italian Embassy
Brandeburger Tor
Pariser Platz
Nov 14th, h. 13.00
mail to: manuela.gmm@gmail.com

Gathering @ La Pedrera
Nov 14th, h. 11.45

Gathering in front of the Italian Consulate
Avda. Del Puerto,1 Entlo.2
Nov 14th, h. 10.00
mail to: davalenciacontrola133@gmail.com

Critical Mass from the main station to the Italian Consulate
Nov 14th, h. 14.00
mail to: lauraespo@hotmail.it

Gathering @ Wilhelm Strasse
Nov 14th, h. 10.00
mail to: eudigio@hotmail.com

Gathering in front of the Italian Consulate
Tom Tom Kaptan Sokak
Nov 14th, h 10.30
mail to: caterina.larosa@studio.unibo.it

A Granada gli studenti italiani sono scesi in piazza allo sciopero nazionale contro la Carta di Bologna il 13 novembre
> Report e foto

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